Sunday, October 25, 2009


As I write this, I think Dayton just landed at Dulles Airport. The rest of us trickle in throughout the afternoon. I arrived the latest at roughly 3:45pm. We leave for Dakar shortly thereafter at 6pm.

On another note, we have some leads on housing in Dakar. Nothing definitive yet, but some real possibilities! Thank you for your prayers on this. I am greatly relieved of anxiety on the matter and trying to rest in confidence in the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ben and team,

    Thank you for your up-to-the-minute posting even during a travel day! It is so encouraging for us to read updates! We are praying. It will be exciting to see how God provides. Keep being bold and very courageous because you know that the Lord your God is with you where ever you go today! We are praying for God's choice of housing.

    Much love,
    Mom Harris
