Monday, August 31, 2009

Team prayer meeting

At 10pm tonight, our team is having a prayer conference call! We will to set aside some time tonight to pray for our supporters, so if you want us to lift something up tonight, post a response below. If your prayer request is a little more sensitive, then contact one of us in private and we'll pray about your request.

On a different note, I had the opportunity to present for six or seven minutes at West Shore Church of the Brethren []. West Shore is a small community church where I immediately felt at home---which is strange, because my home church [] probably has 1,000 members and my college church [] is home to about 3,000 on any given Sunday. Meeting with the Lord God seemed to be the crux of the gathering. The senior pastor, Frank Leaman, so obviously cares for his flock and wants to introduce more and more people to Jesus.

My dad and I talked about how little fanfare existed in the service. Personally, I return again and again to God's Word in Isaiah that His house shall be called a house of prayer unto all nations---not a house of preaching, a home of entertainment, or even a house of great fellowship. In the "absence of distractions," I felt ministered to by the Lord and His Word. I loved being among that congregation and am eager to return next year to report about what God is doing in Dakar.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

straight from the Bible and STINT briefing

"But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ.

More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so

- that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but the righteousness which is through faith in Christ, indeed the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith,

- that I may know Him in the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, in order that I might attain to the resurrection of the dead.

Not that I have already attained it or already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. "

--Philippians 3:7-12

Though this selection could certainly be extended to include more of the surrounding passage, as I come away from our STINT briefing in Copper Mountain, Colorado, I find thoughts of this section swirling in my mind. One of the primary ways God has used this STINT briefing in my life is to confirm for me the transformative power of the gospel. Simply put (and in the language of Steve Douglass, the current president of Campus Crusade for Christ), the good news about Jesus Christ's rescuing changes lives.

That is what I see from this passage from Philippians. Paul says these things because his life has been utterly transformed by the good news about Jesus. Paul's statements are bold and deeply charged-- "Compared to knowing Jesus, everything else is loss-- everything, even the things that really are good, like family, friends, community, health, peace-- Jesus is just worth so much infinitely more that they look like trash compared to Him." I find that my feathers ruffle at this, and I look for some way to qualify it-- but there is none. Jesus is simply the best-- there is no other even close to worthy enough to receive the glory for His sufferings and His resurrection.

Thus, it is with tumultuous excitement and newly-stoked conviction that I look forward to pressing on to laying hold of THAT for which I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. "What's the capitalized THAT, dayton?" you ask. THAT, as I understand it, is the new life in Christ which brings Him the recognition and praise He so deserves for all He has done and continues to do, the new life through the Holy Spirit that brings Him the part of the reward for His poured-out love that is mine to pour back.

Oh Jesus, I pray that your feet would be well-washed by this our version of alabaster perfume and hair-dryed tears. May we, both those going to Dakar and those supporting, in small but whole-hearted fashion, reciprocate your love through this specific mission. It's in trusting you Jesus, that we pray this. Yes indeed.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Brooklyn Tabernacle

A woman from my home church in Pennsylvania recently related an encouraging story to me about how God is calling people near and far to pray for the Spirit to move in Dakar. She was attending a famous church in New York called Brooklyn Tabernacle. Those of you who attend the Summit Church should recognize Brooklyn Tab because their choir and worship ministries exert much influence over the DNA of Summit worship services [by Pastor Gaynor's confession, not my depths of perception or anything].

This woman from my home church was in New York visiting her daughter and decided to attended a mid-week prayer meeting at Brookly Tab. She went to thank the visiting speaker for her message during the service. The speaker was a woman formerly on staff with Crusade in North Africa. My friend was excited and told the staff woman that her family just came on my support team. The Crusade staffer prayed for our team and asked to add our team to the Brooklyn Tabernacle's prayer team. In other words, a 24-7 prayer team just agreed to intercede for our team for the next 30 days. Praise God for the mountains of prayer being heaped upon the ministry in Senegal!

If you want more information on Brooklyn Tabernacle:

My favorite sermon by Brookly Tab senior pastor Jim Cymbala:

Amazon link to Pastor Cymbala's great book [shout out to Mark Weston for lending me the book last year]:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Church presentation about ministry in Dakar

Thank you to all the supporters who prayed for me when I preached at First United Methodist in Mechanicsburg, PA yesterday.  I loved preaching among my home church and am so blessed that First Church is sending me to Dakar.  The Lord is gracious, His Word is powerful, and yesterday there were at least two people who indicated a decision to follow Christ as Lord and Savior!  Pray for these men and their protection from spiritual attack.

The audio from the sermon, entitled "Christ and Him Crucified," is link here: