Monday, March 15, 2010

initial report on big outreach

Thank you for praying for the showing of the film the other night! After some initial coordination issues, the movie started about 8pm, right as it was getting dark. It was awesome to see the students move curiously to their dorm room windows or else walk up and sit down on the ground to watch. After the film ended, we collected 115 response cards! A large majority of the students who filled out cards wanted to talk more or find out more about the life and mission of Jesus! We are praising God for this opportunity, and ask that you pray for us and for the students and the other staff of Campus pour Christ as we work together to follow-up with all these interested students.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome news! Hopefully there are some converts in that 115. Still praying for all. Stand Firm ! Bruce Willis
